Rat run build diablo 3 blizzard forums
Rat run build diablo 3 blizzard forums

rat run build diablo 3 blizzard forums

While Aidan became corrupted by Diablo and so became the Dark Wanderer, Tristram fell to the forces of Hell. By Diablo's will, Leah was conceived and born a year later in 1264.

rat run build diablo 3 blizzard forums

Not long after Aidan's 'victory,' he met the witch Adria, who realized that Diablo was influencing the prince. To this end, when Prince Aidan struck down Diablo in the Tristram Cathedral and bound himself to the soulstone in the hope of containing Diablo's essence, the demon had been given the means to fulfill his plan. And to do that, he would need a vessel to inhabit. He would become the Prime Evil, combining the essences of the Great Evils into a single form. While the three Prime Evils had masterminded their exile to Sanctuary, Diablo had taken the plan one step farther.

rat run build diablo 3 blizzard forums

From the outset, Leah was conceived as a host for Diablo.

Rat run build diablo 3 blizzard forums